Illustration Notes for Episode Fifty-Seven

This week, we see Dusty heading toward the Transcendent Bowl Cafe to meet the private investigator, Amber Page. I mention the Avenue’s ‘luridly lit architectural silhouettes’ in the scene, so I was careful to make the lighting in this image support that description. And since this episode, at least superficially, revolves around a ‘police matter,’ I went with the bright red and blue color scheme I’ve been using for previous ‘police procedural’ episodes.

Of course, the scene is really less about ‘police procedure’ than about further insight into both Amber and Dusty as characters—and as a narrative bridge between lots of things in Dusty and Matt’s pasts that have been alluded to very obliquely in other scenes and those events themselves coming up—as we return, finally, to Matt’s Tale for a while next week. :]

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As always, you’ll find an uncluttered and uncropped version of the image below.

Epi 057 Splash Image.jpg
Mark Ferrari