Illustration Notes for Episode Twelve

Episode Twelve’s illustration is the bookend to Episode Eleven’s. Last week we looked up at the paramedic as Matt saw him from the ground. This week we look down at Matt as the paramedic sees him. I am relieved and grateful to have found a generous young man and his family to help me with these illustrations as my model for Matt. Gonna be a LOT of pictures of Matt in this story, and I am so happy to be able to approach these images knowing what he looks like—from any angle in any light! When and if this young man and his family give me permission, I will thank him here by name. :]

Below are uncropped versions of this week’s image with and without a patina of text from Matt’s tome, and the uncropped version of the footer illustration—as Matt takes his very last taxi for a long, long time. Enjoy!

Epi-012-Splash Image.jpg
Epi-012-Splash Image V02.jpg
Footer Image.jpg
Mark Ferrari